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7726 Marshall Heights Ct, Falls Church Real Estate Advisory

Basic Data Regarding in Fairfax County Virginia 22043 ~ $745,000

Shopping For 1,395 Sqft In 22043 in Falls Church?

Will Nesbitt tells us that --- depending upon your pre-approved price limit --- you may want to really consider 7726 Marshall Heights Ct, Falls Church VA which is available for $745,000. Compare 7726 Marshall Heights Ct to others similarly-sized homes in Falls Church. Continue reading "7726 Marshall Heights Ct, Falls Church Real Estate Advisory"
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3705 S George Mason Dr #2104s, Falls Church VA 22041 On The Market

$305,000 ~ 1 Bedroom in 22041 at Skyline Plaza

3705 S George Mason Dr #2104s is located in the Falls Church area of Northern Virginia. Here are some s for buyer clients who are looking at this area to reflect on.  

Fairfax County Pieces of Info

  • The average days on market in Fairfax County is 231 days.
  • The average living area in Fairfax County is 2,640 sqft. But, 3705 S George Mason Dr #2104s has 992 sqft of living area.
  • Fairfax County has an average price per square foot of $288 . However, 3705 S George Mason Dr #2104s is $307 per sqft.
  • Did you know that brick is the most common type of exterior in Fairfax County?
  • 8121 Norwood Dr #A is the least expensive home in Fairfax County. 8121 Norwood Dr #A is listed for $980. But, 7020 Green Oak Dr is the highest-priced home in Fairfax County. 7020 Green Oak Dr is asking $50,000,000.
  • The median age of homes in Fairfax County is 36 years. 3705 S George Mason Dr #2104s is 48 years old.
On the other hand, this info is deemed accurate but not guaranteed. On the other hand, this info will change.  What is true and accurate today, 04/30/2023, will not be entirely accurate tomorrow or the day before. Check with Nesbitt Realty for the latest real estate data from Fairfax County about homes comparable to 3705 S George Mason Dr #2104s. Continue reading "3705 S George Mason Dr #2104s, Falls Church VA 22041 On The Market"
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Are You Searching For A Choice Property In Fairfax County?

If you are looking at purchasing an example of choice property in Fairfax County, 3331 Holloman Rd should probably be on your list. But it's not the only choice property in Fairfax County you'll want to take into account in Falls Church, Virginia. Moreover, real estate has proven to have a long-term, stable growth in value. Check out what's new at Sleepy Hollow Knoll in Falls Church. Continue reading "Are You Searching For A Choice Property In Fairfax County?"
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Interesting Listings For Home Hunters Trying To Find A Mid 20th-century 3 Bedroom Interior Unit Townhouse For Around $600,000

Of course, you can find a mid 20th-century 3 bedroom interior unit townhouse for around $600,000 in Northern Virginia. But there are only a limited number of choice homes in Alexandria. Maybe one of them is the most suitable residence for you. If it's not 4757 Irvin Sq, then it might be one of the properties listed below. Nesbitt Realty can explain how the U.S. Tax Code allows a purchaser to deduct the interest on your mortgage. We is not a tax advisor or tax preparer, but Nesbitt Realty can help you understand the basics that every American should know. Continue reading "Interesting Listings For Home Hunters Trying To Find A Mid 20th-century 3 Bedroom Interior Unit Townhouse For Around $600,000"
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1574 Westmoreland St, McLean VA 22101 Listed

Important Real Estate Basics About 1574 Westmoreland St in McLean, Virginia

Well ... is 1574 Westmoreland St the great property for you? Frankly, Nesbitt Realty really doesn't know.  That is, unless you answer a series of questions. Can you afford $2,425,000? Is it actually worth $2,501,000 or $2,399,000? How would you like Nesbitt Realty to rebate you $14,987 on this purchase? Are you searching for a $2,425,000 residence in McLean, Virginia? Do you need 6 full baths and 1 half baths? Email Nesbitt Realty to get an up to the minute look at exactly what $2,450,000 can buy you in the 22101 Zip code. Continue reading "1574 Westmoreland St, McLean VA 22101 Listed"
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3562 S George Mason Dr #15, Alexandria Real Estate Announcement

Choice Home :: Alexandria VA 22302

Let Nesbitt Realty know if you're pondering mid 20th-century places in Alexandria. 3562 S George Mason Dr #15 is an example of this colonial community in 22302. We'd love to help you find your next home. Contact us if any of these colonial homes like 3562 S George Mason Dr #15 interest you. On the other hand, even if you are not surprised by what this residence has in store for buyer clients, a real estate shopper can benefit from this information. Continue reading "3562 S George Mason Dr #15, Alexandria Real Estate Announcement"
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4663 Kell Ln, Alexandria Real Estate Dispatch

Basic Facts About Properties Listed For Sale At Stonegate

Large Interior Unit Townhouse For $750,000 in 22311 in the City of Alexandria

Depending upon your budget, you might want to contemplate this interior unit townhouse at 4663 Kell Ln which is available for $750,000. But even so, compare this to the average square feet (1,858) of properties in the City of Alexandria to get a sense of today's market. Continue reading "4663 Kell Ln, Alexandria Real Estate Dispatch"

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